First Week of Grade 9

Hey and welcome back to 'diaryofanoverthinker'. Today, I'll be sharing all about my first week of Grade 9. Before I start, I hope everyone had a smooth start to the new school year and that things are going as well as they can for all of you. Now, back to my blog, sit back, relax, and enjoy!
First Day 15/01
So, the first day was a Wednesday, which was a relief because we come out an hour earlier on Wednesdays. Honestly, it all felt surreal, like I was so unused to it, but at the same time, it was familiar. There were no new kids, and we all sat in the same spots as last year, just in a different classroom. It felt kind of odd. Honestly, it didn’t even feel like a new grade until the teachers arrived. All they talked about was how Grade 9 is important, since we have to pick our subjects and keep our marks up to get the subjects we want. It felt like the same lecture on repeat.
Aside from the new teachers and the endless “important” lectures, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I spent most of the day catching up with friends, getting to know my new teachers, and doing some admin stuff. All in all, it wasn’t too bad.
Day 2 16/01
On day two, we had to do some work because we finish a week earlier than other schools for Ramadan break. We didn’t have work in every subject since we still had some teachers to meet, but we did get through some work. It wasn’t that bad, especially since it’s the start of the year, and I’m still in focus mode plus, everyone else seems to be in the same zone. Honestly, it wasn’t terrible, but it was a really long day. I ended up feeling pretty tired, especially with all the grass around making me feel a bit sick.
Day 3 17/01
FINALLY FRIDAY! First week and I was already in the 'just make it to Friday' mindset. Friday was full swing work mode and I even had a baseline test but since Fridays are short days it wasn't that bad.I mean I didn't even do thaaat bad on my baseline test and that says a lot because it was Afrikaans.Plus all the work was mostly easy chill term one work so all was fine. Then before I knew it the day was over and I was free for the weekend!
Overall, it wasn’t that bad. I’d be lying if I said I’m not stressed and overwhelmed about the year, especially since it’s such an important one—but I’m also getting back into the routine of school. All things considered, I think I’m doing pretty well. I’m both excited and worried about what the year will bring, but I think that’s how it goes every year. Slowly, I’ll adjust, and the stress won’t seem so overwhelming anymore.
Well that's all for today I hope you enjoyed it and I again I hope all your first weeks went well. As always feel free to contact me at
until next time