First Week of Ramadan

ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ
Welcome back to 'diaryofanoverthink' today I will be telling you how my first week of Ramadan went. So sit back, relax and enjoy!
Sunday – 1st of Ramadan
Sunday was honestly so peaceful and calming. Since it was the weekend, I had a great start to my Qur'an and Salaah, and I felt really relaxed since I didn’t have much to do.
After Sehri, I woke up and did a bit of studying for my upcoming tests. Then, I took a shower, read my Salaah, and began my Khatam by reciting some Qur'an. I also did some reading and worked on my Aqaaid essay for school. Later, I helped my mum and dad prepare a few things for Iftaar and spent some time with them. Before I knew it, Asr time had arrived.
After reciting some more Qur'an, it was finally time for Iftaar. I helped clean up afterward and then relaxed for a bit before getting ready for Isha and Taraweeh. I was so exhausted after Taraweeh that I fell asleep almost immediately. Honestly, it was the perfect first day, and I loved it so much.
Monday – 2nd of Ramadan
Monday was a completely different story. First of all, just going to school felt depressing, and once I got there, things only got worse.
After Sehri, I went back to sleep for a bit, but I still had to wake up early for school. When I arrived, I found out that a debate I thought was scheduled for the 18th had been moved to that very day—and my teacher had only found out that morning. Needless to say, we were all pissed and completely stressed out.
As if that wasn’t enough, one of my closest friends was really sick and wasn’t at school, and on top of that, I had so much schoolwork to do. The only bright side to my day was that my Qur'an tagging kit had arrived, and I was super excited to use it.
By the time I got home, I was absolutely exhausted, but I still had to study and prepare for the debate. I pushed through, finished my studying, and took a shower. After that, I read my Salaah, completed my daily para, and started prepping for my debate, which was scheduled to happen immediately after Iftaar on Radio Islam.
Once I prayed Maghrib, I had a small snack before jumping straight into the debate. It went okay, but I know it could’ve been better. Either way, once it was done, I prayed Isha and Taraweeh before finally sitting down to eat properly.
To end the night, I spent some time with my mum before finally heading to bed, preparing for the day ahead.
Tuesday-3rd of Ramadan
Tuesday was also chaotic, but it was definitely better than Monday. First period, I had an English Olympiad, and I think it actually went really well—at least I hope so! However, I was still really stressed about my Geography test, which was scheduled for the last period of the day.
My friends and I spent the entire day revising, trying our best to memorize all the content because, honestly, none of us are great at Geography. Luckily, when we finally wrote the test, the paper ended up being really easy, and I was so relieved to be done with it.
When I got home, I didn’t have much to do except mind, an Islamic History speech, which I was also okay with. After finishing that, I took a shower, prayed my Salaah, and completed my daily para.
Later, I helped get things ready for Iftaar before breaking my fast. Afterward, I spent some time with my family and just relaxed before going to pray Isha and Taraweeh.
After Taraweeh, my mum and I had a little snack and spent some time together before we both headed to bed.
Wednesday- 4th of Ramadan
Wednesday was one of the most relaxed days of the week. I didn’t have any tests or major deadlines, except for a Technology project that I was already halfway done with.
At school, I spent some time reading Qur’an and doing my work before heading home. Once I got home, I went over some English notes, took a shower, and engaged in my usual Ibadaa.
After Iftaar, I worked on my Technology project for a bit before praying Isha and Taraweeh. As usual, I spent some time chilling with my mum before finally heading to bed.
Thursday- 5th of Ramadan
This day was a mix of good and bad. On the bright side, my English paper went really, really well, and my Ibadaa was also going great—I even made an extra Nafl Salah. However, my fast was starting to get to me, my friend's absence was feeling even more noticeable, and the stress of the week was catching up with me.
When I got home, though, I felt much more at ease. I didn’t have much to do, so everything felt a lot more manageable. I continued with my usual acts of Ibadaa, and after Iftaar, I definitely felt a lot better.
After that, I went about my usual routine, and before I knew it, the night was over. At that point, I just couldn’t wait for the week to finally end.
Friday-6th of Ramadan
Friday was the best day of the week! The school day was short and flew by quickly, and once I got home, everything felt perfect.
I prayed Zuhr and read some Qur'an before relaxing for a bit. Then, I got some work done. After that, I spent time with my family—we just chilled and hung out together. Later, we all prayed Salah and recited Qur'an, and before I knew it, Iftaar had arrived.
After Iftaar, I relaxed a little more before showering and getting ready for Isha and Taraweeh. I ended up staying up much later than usual and had a lot of fun after Taraweeh since, for once, I wasn’t as exhausted as I had been the rest of the week.
All in all, it was a hectic week, but since it started and ended on a good note, I’d say that’s a win!