My expectations for grade 9

My expectations for grade 9

Hey, and welcome back to 'diaryofanoverthinker'. Today, I’ll be talking about my expectations for Grade 9. Now, I know what you're thinking it’s way too early to be thinking about school and honestly, I agree, especially since the holidays just started. But here’s the thing: I just got back from Doha and realised there are only two weeks left before school begins.

Normally, I’d save a blog like this for next week, right before school starts, but I didn't have much else to write about so this week will have to do. So sit back, relax and enjoy!


Okay, I’m being bold here, but I’m really hoping that all the new teachers this year are actually good. Last year, most of the time, it felt like I was just chilling in class and teaching myself. Don’t get me wrong, we had a few genuinely great teachers, but the majority didn’t really do much all year they just left us to figure things out on our own, and honestly, I hated that.

This year, though, I’m really hoping things will be different. I mean, I want to be optimistic and think that maybe the teachers will actually teach us something . But, I’m also not fully convinced, since I’ve heard from pretty much every other grade that their teachers weren’t any better. Still, I’m going to stay hopeful enough to believe that maybe, just maybe, this year will be different.


Okay, this might be a bit of a stretch, but I’m really hoping the class drama finally ends this year. It’s honestly getting a bit old, and at this point, I feel like we should just start getting along already. I mean, I get it—you can’t like everyone, and that’s totally fine. But there’s no need for all the petty, unnecessary drama. We’ve only got four more years of school, and we’re going to be stuck with each other for that entire time, so we might as well start getting along and leave all the beef behind.I mean my class is a vibe when we all decide to get along so why not just do that all the time.

I mean I've also heard from multiple people that grade 9 was one of the best grades and I really want it to be but in order for that to happen my class needs to get along.


So my expectations of this is high once more even though my handwriting is an undiscovered language but I'm going to try for the 9th time with the neat writing. I mean I've got the aesthetic note taking down it's just the writing that needs improving. So I shall try my hardest and hope to not quit by the third week of school.


As I mentioned in my vision board, one of my main goals this year is to improve my marks and make it into the top 10 every term. I’m really serious about this goal, and I’m definitely going to put in more effort to make it happen. I’m ready to push myself harder this time around.

Join a sport

So I always say I'm going to join one and then I do only to quit eventually however this year I'm going to try improve my Archery skills and actually become serious about it by taking part in competitions and training more. I love Archery and it was really fun to do so honestly I think becoming more serious about it is an amazing idea.

Well that's kind of all, I don't really have many expectations for grade 9 since I plan on doing things similar to grade 8 because aside from a few things it was a pretty great year. I hope you enjoyed todays blog and as always feel free to contact me at Enjoy the last bits of your holiday

Until next time
