My Favourite Fictional Characters Pt 3

Heyy and welcome to diaryofanoverthinker today I’ll be carrying on my series in honour of Jennifer Lynn Barnes’s new book The Brother’s Hawthorne I’ll be writing about my favourite Hawthorne Brother. So sit back relax and enjoy.
My favourite Hawthorne brother is drumroll please Xander Hawthorne now chill I know everyone is going to go on about Jameson and Grayson and their cool but Xander is honestly the best

Now for the long explanation as to why I like him the most. Xander is the fun, chilled and intelligent one. Now while Grayson is smart and Jameson has the intelligence of solving riddles none of them match up to Xander. Without him the series would be boring. He’s kinda like Kenji but just that he’s younger and well always doing something in secret to help everyone else.
Xander is somehow the smartest but most underestimated character who loves blueberry scones. He cares about his brothers and always tries to cheer everyone up not to mention he’s Avery’s BHFF Best Hawthorne Friend Forever.
Another big contribute he had was being highly connected with Rebecca and Thea well at least more than the others without him we wouldn’t 100% know what happened to Emily and all the secrets the 4 of them had. So basically he is an amazing character who contributed a lot and is NEEDED in the series

So yeah I love Xander he is amazing and I feel like he’s the best Hawthorne but that’s just my opinion so it doesn’t mean it’s right or wrong .
Well that’s today’s blog I hope you enjoyed it and as always if you have any questions or blog ideas feel free to tell me at
Until next time
Byeeee <333