My thoughts on Macbeth
Hi and welcome back to 'diaryofanoverthinker' today I'll be speaking about the famous Shakespearean play Macbeth.
My introduction to Macbeth
My first experience with Shakespeare was last year in my English class. Now of course I've heard of him before that and knew some of his plays however I never quite read any of them. My English teacher gave us a summary of Macbeth because she thought it would fit the theme of all the literature work we had done so far such as short stories by Edgar Allen Poe, Poems from famous poets and the odd one out but still a classic by Real Dhal Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Since we were still in grade 7 and your proper introduction to Shakespeare is in grade 9 this was not in Shakespearean and was just a basic summary appropriate for our level .
My class was obsessed and loved the plot which lead to us watching the movie whenever we had sometime, we never ended up finishing it though. Around this time we found out the grade 11's were doing a Macbeth play and we were so excited. The grade 11 are very loved and would probably do an amazing job getting the whole class overjoyed for the day. Although we had a problem, we weren't in high school so we didn't get to go and we were all heartbroken especially since all the teachers said our class would have loved it.
My recent encounter with Macbeth
Things started to look up by the 3rd week of grade 8 when we heard they were gonna make it a production because it was just that good. We saw poster all over the school and this time we were going! The hype build up as we waited with anticipation for the 6th of February.
The day finally arrived and as if it couldn't get any better it was going to be just girls! We got to the play and my class was buzzing with excitement and who it started we fell dead silent.
My thoughts on the play
They were amazing! Between the added moments of humour, the outfits, the acting and even the props.The grade 12 girls of 2021 made sure they were never forgotten by displaying they're amazing work. The fight scenes, while not rehearsed was the highlight of the play along, they managed to make it enjoyable for them and the audience without breaking character once. The round of applause at the end was so loud it shocked everyone. This play was talked about with every teacher we saw for days after and is still spoken about among students.
It is truly amazing and inspiring at how much effort they put in to this to make it enjoyable for all. Not to mention how they wrote and edited the script by themselves, practiced without being told, found props and came up with unique ideas to make it as realistic as possible with whatever they could find at school and home.
All in all it was wonderful and future learners will have the added pressure to meet expectations set by these talented girls.
Well that was todays blog and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed that play. As always feel free to ask questions at
until next time