The Menendez Brothers Pt 2

Hey and welcome back to 'diaryofanoverthinker' today I will be making a part 2 on the Menendez brothers simply because I've found out so much more about them and I've had a lot more time to think about it. That being said I want to add on to everything I said last weekend. So sit back, relax and enjoy!
New information I learned
so after I wrote the blog almost all TikToks I saw were about them and not to mention one of my friends kinda knew about it so we ended up talking about them. This obviously led to me finding out a whole lot more about The Menendez brothers and me being me had to obsess over it because I tend to do that when something interests me. So after awhile I started to jot down what I learned and make a part 2 blog on it based on all the facts I learned and how I know feel about the whole situation.
- one thing I learned that makes it incredibly hard to even think they're lying is when I found out they did a test on the brothers and found out that their mental ages/mental capacities were that of an 8 and 10 year old at the ages of 18 and 22. I genuinely think this is proof that they had a hard childhood and the abuse was real because you can't be stuck at certain child ages without experiencing some sort of trauma.
- Another thing linked to showing that they still had characteristics of children was Lyle having teddy bears with names and personalities till the age of 17 and taking them to school with him and raising their hands in class instead of his own. Now I get most teenagers still have one or two Teddie bears that they have an emotional attachment too, myself included. However Lyle had many and taking them to school and raising their hands instead of you own is yet another sign that they still hadn't fully gown up which could have been a result of what they father did.
Another thing serving as evidence is the amount of pictures form their childhood that have been all over TikTok that does show them, especially Lyle looking really uncomfortable around their dad, such as this one right here.

- Now this isn't exactly something I found out before last weekend but it's something I haven't seen many people mention which I genuinely find odd.Is when Lyle mentioned while on stand that due to his fathers assault on him lead to him doing very similar things to Erik in the woods when they were younger and further more apologising to Erik on stand. Also for Erik to react to it now at 56 saying that he never apologised for it before at that. Now I'm obviously not saying that was Lyle's fault he couldn't have know better, its just one thing from the documentary that really stood out to me.
now there's so much more I know about the case but these are the ones that kind of stopped out to me in terms of why I don't think they're lying. I mean do I think it was self defence? Yes and no, I mean self defence isn't planned and it's usually more spur of the moment but after realising no one would ever believe them if they spoke out about it and that they genuinely had to way out. So I mean I get murder is wrong but I also think you can never understand why they did it unless you've been in that kind of situation.
My opinion on the monsters series and Nicholas Chavez

Now I'm sure we've all heard how inaccurate this show is, one thing that really makes me irritated is how hey almost made it seem like they were in love with each other and even made them kiss which obviously didn't happen. Like I get that T.V shows based on real life events are never perfect I mean even Inventing Anna had its faults. However based on everything I've learned and heard it was not even close.
Not to mention the fact that Nicholas Chaves(Lyle) didn't even want to interview the brothers to see how to portray their lives.On top of that we have everyone simping over Nicholas and turning this whole case into only obsessing over the casts looks and further more the brothers in real life when that's not even close to what this is about.
Random Thoughts I Have About This Case
- One thing that I think about a lot that has been a sad thing to think about is that they went through all that in their childhood, only to spend their almost entire lives in jail and the fact that even if they get freed in November that they're going to die soon and that their whole lives are gone. Even though they've done some amazing things in jail it's still sad.
- The fact that in a less cruel world Lyle would've been a father and Erik would've been famous for being s tennis player instead of this incredibly horrible case and situation.
- If they were girls while people would have had their doubts and wouldn't have believed them, most people would have. I find the whole stereotype that this stuff can't happen to boys sickening and honestly the fact that if they were girls maybe they wouldn't have been in jail makes me really wonder about the work we live in and the stereotypes men face.
- The fact that they were separated for 22 years.I mean it's one thing to put them in jail but to separate them from the only person they were fully comfortable with and the only one who could ever fully understand what they went through is truly horrible.
- That even though the therapist is the whole reason they got caught if Erik didn't talk to him I genuinely think he would've killed himself from the guilt of killing his parents. That somehow truly makes me sad because even after everything he still felt such guilt that he could barely enjoy the newfound freedom without the abuse.
Honestly I could go on and on about this case because all those TikToks about being obsessed with this case are so relatable because theres so much to it and it's actually really sad.
Well that's all for today I hope you enjoyed this blog and I promise next weeks topic will be a different one. As always feel free to contact me at and feel free to tell me your thought son The Menendez Brothers .
until next time